Friday, December 15, 2017

Website Project!


This project was meant to try and teach us the fundamentals of creating a website and web design because we would not get much exposure to it throughout the year before we make our decisions about our e-Comm classes for sophomore year. In this project we used Dreamweaver to create our own website with instruction from videos by Mr. Olson. The videos were very helpful in giving us the step-by-step of how to create a website and basic knowledge we may need to know for the future regarding the software and web design in general. Our website was very basic and consisted of two pages: home and projects. Our home page had our picture and our
elevator pitch while our project page had our projects we had created throughout the semester.

What did I Learn

In this project I learned about the basics of web design and how to create my own website. Some of the steps were very complicated but I think I followed them pretty while although I did not finish all the way. We also learned about how to use Dreamweaver and it is one of the hardest softwares I have used throughout the semester. It seemed kind of complex but maybe I will be able to learn about it more in the future on my own.

How did I do?

I felt like I did pretty well on this project. I did not end up finishing all of the instructional videos but I am still happy with myself and what I ended up getting done. The software we used, Dreamweaver, was not always compliant with what I wanted to do at the time, but I am still thankful I got to use and learn more about it. Some of my pictures would not show up on my live website like they would in Dreamweaver. Also I was never able to complete my color scheme so my website is still in the basic grey color it was when I started. I could have done a lot more with this project but am still very happy with what I got done considering the complications I had with the software and time limit.

Friday, December 8, 2017


PICTURES *Note: Some of my pictures can be difficult to see.

Final Logo Design
I started out just drawing mindlessly on a piece of scratch paper. I sketched ideas and some looked good while others not so good, but in the end I found the logo design that I thought was right for me. Afterwards when I started using Adobe Illustrator I found out that I wasn't really happy with my design and so I changed the style of the wings to make me feel more confident with it. After I had gotten my basic outline I opened a new document and started trying out different colors to go with my design and blue happened to be the one I thought most fit with my personality. I chose my font around this time as well and that aspect was pretty easy to decide on. After I had completed my project I was very happy with how my logo design turned out and I am proud of myself for creating it.


When I originally created the logo I didn't think much about what it all meant. After a little time I realized why and how I designed my logo and I feel that it really represents who I am. First of all I designed my logo around a circle because I feel like most of the time I try to be a perfectionist and circles can represent the strive to be perfect (trying to create a "perfect circle" even though it's technically impossible.) Secondly, the wings on my design were my interpretation of me favoring independence. I enjoy being independent and doing my own thing even though sometimes I do have to rely on the help of others even when I don't want to. The font of my logo was chosen simply because my handwriting is generally a mix between cursive and block letters as is the style of this font. Lastly, the gradient on my logo does not have any special meaning but the color I chose, Blue, symbolizes my calm nature, my trust in myself and others, and my love for the sea.



My name is Cole and I am really interested in possibly working for you in the future. I am analytical and strategic, working really hard to solve problems that I have or that other people have. I am very focused on my work what ever it may be and do whatever I can to make sure the job gets done efficiently and accurately. I’m also a very imaginative and creative person who can create a lot of interesting things like designs pretty easily without much effort. I also enjoy it very much so I am always motivated to create new things anywhere I am all the time. I don’t think I am the best at drawing but my artistic abilities are good enough to where I can create what I have in my mind and make it work on paper. Usually my designs are a bit simplistic and I find that nice. I also am pretty good at understanding people and am a fairly sympathetic person which I think could be a good quality.